1 month later
Term 1 - Assignments 4 - Selections/Liquify/Heal/Stamp
I have pushed off these "Photoshop" lessons so badly because I literally really really really did not want to do them. I don't have photoshop and just got Clip Studio Paint and I've never been more frustrated trying to figure out how to do these with a different program. Like almost in tears haha! Some of what he was doing literally does not even exist in Clip Studio so half of these assignments I spent googling for answers. But I did them to the best of my ability while keeping some sanity (not amazing).
I just really didn't want to skip it while really wanting to skip it lol! Here they are.
18 days later
Term 1 - Nude Figure Drawing - Daily Practice 1-4
Honestly, not sure if I can keep up with these daily exercises! They took me so long! Like 3hrs. Not because it's a hard concept but because I'm just not great with straight lines and placing my circles/squares properly due to apparent discomfort with my tablet lol.
I think I'm gonna have to downgrade to just doing one of the "cylinder" figures a day otherwise I won't progress.
Lol also I've always hated doing the 8-head practice so I already know I'm in for a lot of "doing the same thing" practice so may as well move on to that while building my understanding of volumes.