Hey Malcom, nice to see you here too! ^_^ Your character design is taking shape quite nicely, I thing I might suggest though is leaving some breathing room in the detail density. It is generally a good idea to have some larger shapes too as they give space to let the viewer's eye rest on your piece. The 70/30 or 80/20 rules come to mind here because not only will that let you have resting spots in your design but it will also give your design more contrast within itself. Hope this helps and keep up the good work! ^__^

Hi Malcom, cool stuff here! This design looks great so far, definitely like the detail on the head area. :] I might agree with a previous comment you got about watching the face. It could be your personal aesthetic & taste, in which case it's fine, but the face does look a little overwhelmed by her headgear stuff.
For me personally the legs are fine if you prefer a more short & curvy character, but I think it's the arms that are a bit too short. c: If her arms are at a relaxed position her wrists would prob need to align with her crotch and they don't look as if they would here. Not sure if this is a recurring thing in your figures, but maybe you can watch out for that in your future artworks? :]

Great job otherwise tho! I'm looking forward to what else you come up with for your portfolio. :]

Thanks you guys.
@zanben thanks for the feedback.
@oshred The arms are a bit bent. I'll try to show that a bit more in shading. Your still right about length. I think I can make them a bit longer as well. Just looked at my older version an the arms were better.
Side note I like curvy characters but I don't mind extending the legs a bit more.

Regarding face, it's stylized. I'll draw a version with out head gear to see where I can make changes. Maybe making head gear smaller could be the fix I need. Will see.

Oh Malcom, that's looking really good! Love how detailed you have gone with her design

This looks awesome! I could definitely be wrong but to me it looks like her legs are a bit small compared to her torso. This is a character that I'm very excited to learn more about!

Your stuff looks dope man. Nice work

Thank you. Glad you like my work. :grin:

Are you planning to make a whole world with these characters? Cause they both look like they could be! :open_mouth:

Yes I am actually. In planning stages for both worlds at the moment. After a few more characters I'll have a better style guide to follow for the rest.

I love those new works. Interesting designs and concepts.

11 days later

So I haven't updated this blog in a while so here's my latest painting for the weekly which everyone should check out. This is speedpainting number 6 or 7. I couldn't land on a idea I actually liked for a while. Lots learned so I guess that's a good thing.

Omg @malcom dude your stuff is amazing I love the painterly feel, also great work on the concepts, ive gotta try that. keep it up XD

@haith92 Thank you. I try. I love the painterly style. Like you I was inspired by Marc Brunet a lot...I use to paint traditionally when I was younger so it feels good to do it now digitally.
@ragemuffin Thank you. My first time doing a knight so I wasn't sure how things turn out. It was challenging.

Wow man you've definitely improved in leaps and bounds. We'll do enough mate!

@nickkhoo Thank you for you comment.

Here's my latest wip at the moment. Was going to submit for weekly but I won't finish in time. So I've decided to work on the character more as well as give her a back story an stuff. She's still in a rough stage. C&C welcomed as always

Here is my latest piece I posted for the weekly. I might go back an re-work the rim light as well as the hair. Those are the biggest areas I notice at the moment that really matter for the piece. C&C always welcomed.

That looks really good! The values are beautiful in this one!
Tho, I think you'd have a more overall look if you just use a hard brush, instead of a combination of hard and soft. The image feels a bit blurry in certain places. A good example is the hair, I love the hair of the girl on the right more, since you've used more sharp shading and edges, while the one on the left had more gradient shadows.