I am still trying to learn digital art and have been lately gravitating towards animation. I am interested mostly in character art, but from time to time I try to create something different.

Expect to see different sketches, studies, animation practice and pencil art in here.

Animation practice

Animation study from One-Punch Man.

looks really nice. Looking forward to see more work from you.

I don't know what the guy at the top is doing but I like the second animation a LOT! How many layers did you draw? About 30?

so inspired by your animations bro! Can't wait to see more!

I have to ask because you animated two completely different things, are you looking to go into animation for film or animation for game development?

Both studies you did were excellent for their respective fields, but they have contradictions in build up and emphasis. You can most easily see this in how long it takes for the Mumen Rider to pull back his fist and throw it. The force behind it can be practically felt in your seat as he throws his entire being into the punch. Alternatively, Ryu's jabs and kick are very quick with almost no build up, because a game has to be responsive enough that it doesn't feel like there's massive lag for the player. In fighting games especially, sacrifices have to be made to the build up so that the hit boxes are appearing almost immediately after a button is pressed, meaning the amount of time for build up is only 1-3, unless the skill is balanced by having a wind up (see: Captain Falcon in Super Smash Brothers).

Although the animation for Ryu you've done is very accurate to the game, and a fantastic example of animation in video games, it's teaching you the opposite of how you would be animating a film.

Thanks everyone!
@kigerneko The top animation is a grab and punch animation from beat em up games. And the bottom one is over 50 frames, though the first ten consists only of about four different frames.
@JesterSeraph I have never given that much though. And I noticed the difference of build up and the action itself when doing the Mumen Rider study (my first venture into anime studies). I would really like to learn both, but I know that I should focus on either one of the styles.

Anyway, here are some pencil works. My job is currently sapping me of all the energy to do digital stuff, but hopefully I can soon work on more animation :smile:

Slightly altered Yan Huo Invincible from Corvus Bellis Infinity.

Fan art of Banner Saga, a really great PC game.

Bullet from Blazblue.

Troll adept shadowrunner.

Forgot to upload these studies:

Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Main characters from Samurai Champloo

Main characters from Cowboy Bebop

Quick study of the main characters from Space Dandy. I wanted to learn to drawn people from different perspectives, and would very much appreciate critique for this one.

Thanks for your reply! I really hope to see more animations here so I'll just have to keep an eye on this blog!

Quick colouring on the previous animation

That animation is pretty great man. Looking forward to more.