These pieces are apart of an upcoming story I've been creating set in the 4th crusade time period! ( These pieces were used for my High-school AP exams). Meaning I had to come up with a "Concentration" topic for the entire year.

"The central idea of my concentration is exploring character development and concepts through various ordeals inspired by the early middle ages. "

These two pieces are linked, the paper which is being held is illustrated down bellow.

DISCLAIMER: DO NOT HOLD BACK, if you have something to say please say it. Don't worry about hurting my "pride" as an artist or what not; If my 'style' doesn't seem to be meshing well call me out on it!

Thank you so much for your time!

hi there... it´s always good to have a story in mind when creating a picture....
- for the colored one: you should work on perspective (maybe drawing a pers. grid first), color variation (do some real life studies) and shadow/ light (it look a bit flat, find yourself some references) ... I guess also the guys head is too big for his body
- for the grey one: the right eye is higher than the left one; again find some reference; for the hair - try not to draw every single hair, focus on the main form (drawing bunchs of hair)
hope that´ll help you

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your critique. I've been told my heads are too big before, I'm glad you pointed it out though! I can't see it yet so I guess my perception in drawing needs to level up!

-Really thanks for the critique I'm going to work some of those things out today thank you!

so far i think is great, but if you want my opinion i would do some serious research to add value and depth to the story, to make it real, study the economy of the time, social status and classes, popular culture and also religion, major social issues etc from that you can either keep it or transform these things and create your own lore based on real historical facts . these kind of things bring a project from a 9/10 to a clean 10 most times.
and the other thing is that , usually i enforce the tone or setting of the story with the technical part so if i was to do a medieval project i would probably illustrate this one with very few or desaturated colors , let the black ink be predominant and use some thechniques that at that time were used , take as an example Albrecht Dürer's work

You sir are amazing, thank you very much you honestly don't know how much I appreciate the knowledge bomb you just dropped on me, thank you!

-( I'm 100% with you on the studying in on the time period and other social aspects, I actually do it quite often! I'm a pretty die hard medieval fan)

Hey this was the reason why i joined Cubebrush, I work for a comunity of artists where you help and you get helped, you learn and you teach , a place where i can have the pleasure to meet great artists like you sr, thats the only and best way to grow. and that is exactly what we want to do, grow.
So dont hesitate to contact me