After months of Art School I felt like I needed to take the next big step, personal project.
I got a theme going and I'm planning on updating whenever I complete a concept piece or a painting.

I feel like this forum is pretty quiet so I'll think of it as an accountability group, keeps me motivated and held responsible.

Really loving the vibe in your painting. The birds really add to it too.

10 days later

14 days later

Looking neat! I agree though with it looking too generic. Try to make it stand out more and unique. :smile: The colours are great. Very warm and 'alive'.

It definitely looks nice. And generic is not necessarely bad f you're going for a standard village, but if you want to have them look more unique, I'd say try to think of something that make your purple nation unique and how that could affect the architecture. It could be something that they're known for (weapon making, furniture, food or some particular skills) or the environemnent in which they are located (is it a warm place or cold; high in the mountains or on the edge of a sea)

And then you can look a real life architecture that correspond to that and incorporate other outside design elements that you think can fit your idea of what this village is about.

8 days later

I love the Inn. Before i zoomed in, i thought it was a 3D model. The lighting/shadows are superb.