Greetings everyone. I'm Mossclaw and I've just started start my art journey. I'm fairly new to both digital art and art in general. My first more serious foray into art was about a year ago when i decided to try out fantasy cartography. It didn't quite stick but the occasional attempts were fun.

Recently I've found myself doing random doodle when i'm bored and decided to give digital art a searious go to see if i can turn doing random doodles into more than that.

Term 1 Assignments

Pen Control

Image Adjustments

Welcome! We all have to start somewhere :smile: And 30 seconds is not a lot of time!

Your figures loosened up a lot when you started adding in the action lines on the second page!
Something that helped my gesture drawing was adding in little points for the joints like Marc explains in the Nude Figure Drawing video. It's helped me to map out each figure a little better before worrying about the thickness of limbs etc.

That is a good idea. I'm gonna try that later.

Term 1 Male & Female Proportions Attempt 1.

I think these two need to cut back a little bit on the burgers and fries. They seem to be going straight to their thighs.

It’s been about a week since i started gesture drawing

Some 30 second gesture drawings. (I apologize for the sideways image)