This month on the to-do list was sculpting a head so I did all I could with this modeling clay which I had to kind of do in one go since after I broke the seal on the package I then read that it would dry in like 2 days, I started with the top part like I would on paper by makinga sphere but as I tried adding on the jaw/front of the face making anything else turned out to be real hard since I couldn't really change form once it was on the head without affecting the whole thing.
I tried doing some portrait studies of one my favorite games of all time, this is the main character and I tried using the construction method Marc teaches us and after doing the first one (left) I noticed how the head was deformed and got the proportions a little bit better and it looks cleaner.
I've had these charcoal sticks I bought for a while and might actually try a different medium this month if I get inspired enough, I'm also kind of behind on the classes but I am keeping up with the gesture drawing, that just comes naturally to me, I'm trying to find other sources to try and learn from and I found a book filled with drawing exercises that looks interesting and i can just do and not think about too much while still practicing the fundamentals.
I'm also dealing with some serious pushback on the mindset side of things. I didn't want this thread to turn sour with my daily struggles with depression possible adhd etc. but its really starting to affect my ability to practice and should be noted for the sake of keeping records, its all part of the journey after all. I'll consider going into depth with that nose but for now this is all I have for this month, stay safe everyone!