Hi @mrlasagna! First of all, I want to say that I love your nickname hahah I'm italian and I know that the lasagna is one of the best things in the world
Your first assignements are great, but for the figure studies I think that the images are a little bit too small, I can't really see if there's something wrong or not, maybe the next ones could be a little bit bigger or maybe with different colours for the cilinders.
Bonne soirée
@mbarrasa16 Thanks for your drawing, i see now that i got the perspective wrong, will continue my practice today for sure !
@chiara.arcidiaco I made the images smaller to post here ( original canvas was 3000x3000 ) but ok i'll make them larger so i can get better feedbacks ! And, yes, lasagnas are one of the best things in the world ! Ahahah
Hi all !
I had lot of work today so couldnt practice too much, but did anyway some pen control and a figure drawing.
For the pen control, i tried quick stroke, overshooting it, to try and make more straight lines.
Also changed "smooth" parameter to something like 30%.
Then the figure drawing, quite happy with it as i see some improvements.
Wish you all a good day.
Hi all,
Here is today's work. I tried to do the proportions without looking at refs, to see where i could get.
As always, any feedback is appreciated
Those two took me like 50mn, i feel like i'm really slow at the moment.
I also need to find some time to advance in the course.
I wish you all a good day !