@mbarrasa16 Thanks for your drawing, i see now that i got the perspective wrong, will continue my practice today for sure !

@chiara.arcidiaco I made the images smaller to post here ( original canvas was 3000x3000 ) but ok i'll make them larger so i can get better feedbacks ! And, yes, lasagnas are one of the best things in the world ! Ahahah

Here is today figure drawing, trying to implement your feedbacks !

Thanks again :smile:

It's Saturday so i just made a quick one after Pen Control Assignement.

I think i got the legs better but not the arms....

Have a nice weekend all !

Hi all !

I had lot of work today so couldnt practice too much, but did anyway some pen control and a figure drawing.

For the pen control, i tried quick stroke, overshooting it, to try and make more straight lines.
Also changed "smooth" parameter to something like 30%.

Then the figure drawing, quite happy with it as i see some improvements.

Wish you all a good day.

Nice work so far! One thing that I noticed was that the lines you do to show the volume of the cylinders on your figures could use a bit more curve. Right now they feel too straight at times which kills the sense of volume.

Other than that keep it up! :smile:

Today's exercise.

I had a lot of work and had a bad day, didnt have time for further pratice.... And i'm not really happy with this one...

Tomorrow's another day !

your eye for color and hue are pretty spot on, good job on that assignment

Thank you Ghostmonst3r !

Still a lot of work today, so i had to make this only figure drawing, but i tried to integrate cedricgo advice and go with more curvy lines.

I still have some trouble getting those curves right.

Have a nice day, and practice good !

Hi !

Took some time to advance in the course and went on the proportion exercise.
If any has some feebacks/tips on this, i'll take it :smile:

Have a nice day !

feet and calves look a bit off. I too am a student so im not sure, but i think the feet are too small and the calves too bulky. I hope that helps.

As i put most of my exercises here ( and will do my best to continue ), here is today !
Had just the time for this as i going physically to work again, my "free" time just got reduced.
Tried to do the proportions exercice with just my first try as a reference.

Have a good day all !

Hi all,
Here is today's work. I tried to do the proportions without looking at refs, to see where i could get.
As always, any feedback is appreciated :smile:
Those two took me like 50mn, i feel like i'm really slow at the moment.
I also need to find some time to advance in the course.

I wish you all a good day !

you see the way you line up your rectangle on the hips so the shape turns at the axis of the hip...you need to do the same thing with your torso box. the top corners should be attached to the shoulder joins. each box has an axis point. you totally got the pelvis axis both times, but should do the same with your shoulders. :smile:

Hi everyone,

Today's work, i tried to be quicker, and not to look at any ref for proportion exercise.

Have a good day all !