This is awesome! I love the style :smile:

Welcome to Cubebrush and I hope to see more of your work!

Truly amazing!

Colors, styles, and characters. Loved everything! Congratz!

Thank you guys!

Some stuff I did today. Didn't have much time since I'm swamped with projects from work.

Anyways, started Loomis' book "Fun with a pencil" and did the first few pages. My circles suck atm and I don't find it easy to evenly divide the ball. It's crazy how round and precise the drawings are in the book.

Also, some random sketch.

See you tomorrow and thanks for stopping by!

Hello my friends. Spent almost the entire day today working so I couldn't do much else :expressionless:
Here's a little bit Loomis stuff I did and I also drew some silly concept of Baba Yaga. I plan to finish that one, so hopefully I'll get a chance to work on it tomorrow.


Today's work. I started doing some warm-ups by drawing 1 minute gestures. Plan to make it a daily habit.

And a children's illustration I've done recently that's published and was well received, so I thought I'd share it here:

C ya :wave:

@sahar.mandegarian17 thank you for the comment man, glad you like it!

Stuff from today. I finished the Baba Yaga illustration from above and did some other stuff..

Quick plane sketch from reference.

The text on the book reads "Yoga" :smiley:

7 months later

Hey everyone. It's been so long since my last post here. But I got really busy with work and life in general so yeah..
Anyways, without further excuses I'm continuing my art learning journey.

First I will share all the children's illustrations I've done in the past period. These are a continuation of the illustrations I've already posted before in this thread. I am working with a children's book's author who is writing funny songs and we will eventually publish a book sometime next year.

Teenage Shark

Silly Whale

Crazy Bats

Salamander - the song is about pollution

Gym-addicted iguana

Anaconda in a Honda

The Scariest Monster of 2020

The Faulty Hero

Space Junk Collector

The Young Anteater

Soup Eating Lynx

Fire Starter

Jealousy in the Pond

Phew, sorry for that huge art dump :sweat_smile: You can also find these in higher resolution and with sketches on my ArtStation profile:

Thanks for looking and see you in the next post 👋

Forgot to post this one in the previous batch. It's a tip-toeing slipper :smile:

A sketch and a work in progress of what I'm working on at the moment:

And a quick bear sketch from imagination, I don't know, I just felt like sketching a bear :smile:

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