Mostly I end up on practicing horses, foxes or cats but I still struggle a ot especially with porportions and hind legs. My goal is to master them till the end of this year.
Foxes are a lot of fun especially when they yawn. Even tho I still struggle with default poses I try to sketch more complex ones as well.
Here is a finished piece of my last unicorn dying, surrounded by skeletons of his fellow horses. I combined Shire looking horse with zebra pattern, which makes it look a bit prehistoric in my opinion and I made his mane in Wildebeest style. He was a strong and magnificent animal but without his horn he is parishing. This piece was a good practice because I really pushed myself to add all the details on horses anatomy.
Yesterday I did some pencil sketches of cats again and I really tried to capture their posture and how they curve. There really is something majestic about cats and there is something goodlike about them.
And as always I finished my day with a fast bedtime sketch od a random animal. I found nice photos of cute hyeena pups.