Hi guys!
Last year I started drawing animals every day, and really trying to capture their movement, shape and character. Then I tried to apply what I learned on creature designs.

I made this Berghest dog after series of dog studies.

After going through book Mythical beasts i got inspired to make a Kelpie design .

There are 89 replies with an estimated read time of 7 minutes.

Hi Mithrica!

Nice work so far. I like that your drawings feel like they are full of of life and energy. One thing I noticed is that some of your dogs feels like they have a body that is somewhat too long. I may be mistaking about this, but I think it's especially noticable on the full body sideview in the ''barghest part 1''. Or maybe it's just that the head is a bit too small comapred to the body? But beyond that though, everything looks pretty good.

I hope to see more of your work :smile:


Thank you very much for your input! Since I am still in early stage of learning the craft you might me right and i will sure keep that in my mind. I find the porportions to be the hardest to make right!

Thanks for taking your time to review my work!

Learning how to paint textures and applying them on animals. This year my main focus will be how to paint fur, scales and different textures i can use to make my creature designs appealing.

I am trying different colours as textures for my designs so I tried a purple blue design for undead unicorn. He is not so menacing, but i added a glow to his eyes which makes him a bit more dead i guess.

Of all the cats sphynx cats are the most appealing for creature design. I got highly inspired by Dan Bakers Matagot concept for this study. First I did some sketches then i went into render and I must say I had tons of fun.

My next creature will be a foal That was just born but it is already rotting, because its a zombie. Idea is to make him cute but gross at the same time.

These all look really cool. I like the final cat you did, it has this scrawny feral look that is creepy enough on its own but combined with the glowing and the limbs makes it exponentially more unsettling.

Thank you MattD it is really nice to hear that you find it creepy, since I was aiming for this effect. Thanks for checking my thread as well!

I believe that pencil sketch was too static so I arched his head a bit and I made his bottom jaw open. As I will render him a lot will change. I am using Shire horse and Irish cob as a reference.

This one really took a lot of time to figure it out since he was in a perspective. My goal this year is really polish my knowledge of animal anatomy in all kinds of poses.