I recently bought ARTschool after I saw what it offered and thought I'd give it a whirl.
So far I'm happy with what it has and have learned a lot more in the 3 weeks that I've been using it, than the year or so being self taught..
I've tried to get better at art while being self taught. It was working but than I came to a wall in my learning where I didn't have the fundamentals that I thought that I had.
ARTschool has the structure that I've been missing. Which helps keep me motivated more than teaching myself.

I'll be posting my assignments and art so I can look back at where I was , get feedback from other people taking the course, and to make sure I stay consistent.
Looking forward to sharing my work with you all! :smile:

Artschool structure helps me a lot too, this is perfect to keep the motivation up!

Welcome ! :wink: