hiii welcome to the forums!!

form titles usually include the username/name of the poster.

we basically just post our assignments here and stuff we work on that is artschool related.

feel free to check out my thread as an example:

To add a new post to your own thread you can click the bottom most reply:

you can reply to other people by @-ing them like so @chrlskm682

you can like their comments/posts by cilcking the heart as you would on instagram

on other ppl's forums (https://forums.cubebrush.co/c/art/artschool) you can reply and comment your thoughts and/or critiques.

I recommend bookmarking both your own page (for easy access to update it) and bookmarking this page: https://forums.cubebrush.co/c/art/artschool

^ This was how i found ur page as it shows the latest updated posts. everytime u update it or someone comments on ur post, it will be bumped up to the top which is great for visibility imo :smile:

New and unread categories simply show forums that were newly created that you have not checked out yet. and unread shows all the pages you are tracking or watching that have updates that u didnt read yet.

add images by dragging and dropping into the box you are typing into.

keep in mind that some formats like mp4 and stuff aren't accepted. it does take gifs tho if u wanna upload animation or put it on youtube as unlisted or imgr if you want to post a vid or something.

Hope that helps! :smiley:

oh and if you pass by a thread you like and want to get notifications about them (i dont think there are email notifications just the ones here):

you can watch their thread to get ALL comments (even those by other ppl on that thread) or track - ie notifies u only if the Original poster comments on that thread

Feel free to let me know if you have any other Q's :smile: everyone in the forums are super helpful and nice :smiley:

oh and btw on every forum including yours, there is a thing that floats at the bottom of the page.

you can click on "latest" to see the latest post without having to scroll to the bottom manually.

you can also quote someone by selecting the stuff u wanna quote and click Quote reply which would automatically create a reply box similar to if you just clicked replied but with the quote already in there.:

if you already started typing a reply but wanted to quote someone in that thread midway thru, simply put ur cursor where u want the reply to go, select it and then click quote reply and it will pop up in that reply box where u want it to go without replacing anything you have already typed.

Hi Charles! Welcome :blush:

I was the same, to the point of giving up on using it till really recently. It's quite simple actually, you already posted on the "Art School" tab, which has everyone who bought the "Art School" program. On this same thread, you keep replying on it to post your progress or any questions you would have (anything you would like to post really).
And then to keep up with what other people are posting, I personally keep the tab open so that I don't lose it :sweat_smile: and then whenever people are posting new stuff I check it out and try to help if it's within my knowledge or just to learn from their practices..

it's really cool, I really recommend you share your progress here, people are super helpful and knowledgeable. And just in general it's nice to have an art community :grinning:

Let me know if you need me to make a recording of where to find the forum and how to use it (What I wrote might be more confusing, I am known to do that :grin:)

Okay I just got finished writing extensive notes on term 1 visual immunizations but I see the regiment he wishes us to follow and it says in the term schedule "daily visual communication 1 assignment (deliberate observation) " what does Marc mean by that? As I see it multiple times in the schedule for weeks to come can someone elaborate. Please and thank you in advance

You need to observe things around you. Not just look at them but observe. Think what shapes they are built from, how light affects them, how colors look in certain settings. For example take bottle you will notice that it is a cylinder or two. You can do it everywhere and you will built your visual library

Hope it helps! If not I will try to explain it better

optional but you can also start a daily observation journal and write down stuff that you observed about the object itself, the lighting on the object, reflections, shadows, etc

A daily observation journal? I like this idea and now I have to think about this topic. :flushed:

np here are some examples:


Keyboard backlight - noticed that although the backlight emanated light, it was not so bright that the whole thing was glowing, the light followed perspective rules as in if you could only see the bottom, right and left sides and not the top edge, the glow followed the same rules and i was not able to see the glow on the top side of the keys. each key had its own perspective.

Screen Light on quilt
the quilt looked like a mixture of round/soft shapes and cube/hard shapes. the lighting followed similarly as if it was a round or hard shaped object depending on the folds.


When you pass my something what you see of it is not just one side but like 2 other sides that u pass by. its almost like if you turned a sphere or a cube as you walk/drive past it.


The terminator appears to usually be a color that is darker than the color of the object that has the terminator - ie skin terminator is dark orange if the skin is the typical skin color. the purple samsung earbud case has a dark purple terminator because the case itself is purple.


Reflective light can come from more than one source. if there is one on the left and one on the right there will be a reflection spot on the right and the left of the object if it is reflective. if its not reflective, the lighting kind of blends/melts into the object's color


Skin is kind of like clothes for the bones lol. if you move a certain way that stretches your skin you can see it sort of get thinner like if you ball up your fists you can see the knuckles more clearly and thats basically the bones underneath stretching it. very interesting...


Scifi buildings combine soft and hard elements. they can be based off of a cube or rectangle but have certain parts that are more round and abstract shaped. When round, the windows simply follow the curve of the building.

Question.. how do they know where to put windows and where not to put windows? what is the ratio of window to building?

for futuristic buildings the ratio seems to be 50% window, 50% frame/building. think of it like glasses. Glasses without frames look like buildings without windows, there are the space there for windows and if windows are not put in they look like lens-less glasses with just the skeleton of a frame.

To make a building unique you would probably need to design what the FRAME looks like rather than what the windows look like - ie its the placement of said windows and the contrast of the windows vs the frame of the building that makes it look nice.


Everything has "negative space"; the "cutout" look. noticing that will be helpful.
The negative space basically supports the positive space ie the item you are seeing.


a mall is not a singular building. its a bunch of buildings mashed together therefore its not a singular size or shape most of the time. each building has a different height, width, architecture that makes the mashed up building look unique so its not just a block


shadows are the color of the surrounding objects, if a green thing had a blue thing next to it that the light shines onto and it reflects blue and that reflection is in the area of the green object, the shadow will also have a tint of blue.


How do hard and soft shadows come about? hard shadows come about when one thing (with a relatively hard edge) is directly blocking something else thus cutting off the light to that spot rather than just the object being further away from the light which is where soft light comes in.

O hell yeah Im loving the detailed analysis mitsuki what a write. Many thanks fam

eyy glad it helps :smile: i did that a while ago so good thing i was able to find and copy n paste it :smiley:

btw thats a nice profile pic! did u draw that?

I would maybe note:
The vanish on the keys on my laptop are not abrasion resistant. The S, the D, the C, the N and M are hardly recognizable. The color comes off from the center to the edge in a roundish way but with little spikes in it. In the middle you can see something small and circular. This will probably be the mount that holds the button in place.

The L will bei the next. It now looks more like a lowercase T. Do I type these letters more than others or is there another reason for the loss of color? Will I swap out the keys or even the laptop? No! I type anyway without looking at the keyboard. My fingers know where the letters are. :joy: