hiii welcome to the forums!!
form titles usually include the username/name of the poster.
we basically just post our assignments here and stuff we work on that is artschool related.
feel free to check out my thread as an example:
To add a new post to your own thread you can click the bottom most reply:
you can reply to other people by @-ing them like so @chrlskm682
you can like their comments/posts by cilcking the heart as you would on instagram
on other ppl's forums (https://forums.cubebrush.co/c/art/artschool) you can reply and comment your thoughts and/or critiques.
I recommend bookmarking both your own page (for easy access to update it) and bookmarking this page: https://forums.cubebrush.co/c/art/artschool
^ This was how i found ur page as it shows the latest updated posts. everytime u update it or someone comments on ur post, it will be bumped up to the top which is great for visibility imo
New and unread categories simply show forums that were newly created that you have not checked out yet. and unread shows all the pages you are tracking or watching that have updates that u didnt read yet.
add images by dragging and dropping into the box you are typing into.
keep in mind that some formats like mp4 and stuff aren't accepted. it does take gifs tho if u wanna upload animation or put it on youtube as unlisted or imgr if you want to post a vid or something.
Hope that helps!
oh and if you pass by a thread you like and want to get notifications about them (i dont think there are email notifications just the ones here):
you can watch their thread to get ALL comments (even those by other ppl on that thread) or track - ie notifies u only if the Original poster comments on that thread
Feel free to let me know if you have any other Q's everyone in the forums are super helpful and nice
oh and btw on every forum including yours, there is a thing that floats at the bottom of the page.
you can click on "latest" to see the latest post without having to scroll to the bottom manually.
you can also quote someone by selecting the stuff u wanna quote and click Quote reply which would automatically create a reply box similar to if you just clicked replied but with the quote already in there.:
if you already started typing a reply but wanted to quote someone in that thread midway thru, simply put ur cursor where u want the reply to go, select it and then click quote reply and it will pop up in that reply box where u want it to go without replacing anything you have already typed.