I've been doing Marc's Art School for about 3 weeks now and I have learned so much and I am only in Term 1!
I have a huge issue though! I have no clue what I'm doing and I haven't drawn anything since I was like 12 or 13, I'm 45 now lol.
I got the coarse but didn't think about the fact the teacher is just some videos and I can't actually get feedback. I did see the feedback upgrade but it's 2500$? too much for me
Anyway I just found this forum section maybe some of you guys can tell me what I'm doing wrong or any ideas you may have.
I am really interested in comic style art and been watching lots of David Finch and Jim Lee.
This is pretty much my kinda first project, I had another but never finished it. It's not finished, just wondering if anyone has any thing they see that is just awful about it so I can learn what I'm doing wrong.
Edit, I didn't want to show the entire thing but I do want any tips on what I'm doing wrong if anything for a beginner so here is the whole thing. Again it's not finished.