Hey everyone! Will be uploading content as I make as well as portfolio stuff I'm putting up on general media (Intsa, Tumblr, dA, Wysp) to help create a general feel for what I have going on :smiley:
Here's what I got on hand! Gotta format more and will probably upload works 3 at a time or something the like.
This is an old watercolor I'm going back to for the way of color I used, working to see what's working and what isn't.

Hey guys! Got some sketchbook uploads! I'm currently prepping for a digital work following some commission work I'm currently finishing up.

Imgur Imgur

The work is going to be an Akira fanart piece. The inspo image for this uses the background color in similar to the core color of the subject (if that makes sense), so the red of the motorcycle will be similar or connected to the BG and will be discerned through shape and a change in values from the core color.

I'll be doing a lot of learning and experimenting as I move through the process of creating, lmk how the concept sounds!

Hey there!

The watercolor piece looks really nice. I could have it on the wall.

About the sketchbook stuff. It is very sketchy as it should be for the sketchbook, but i don't understand the shape of the futuristic bike. I think it might be bacuase the perspective is off... I am not sure, but if that is the case using grids would be of major help.

It's a nice start, keep at it and let us see what you're doing!

@rokdem thanks for the comments! oh yeah the sketches are initials for the work which will be done at a later time. the perspective is rather off on the bike (esp the wheels) but ill use your grid advice!!! :smile:
Here's so refs of the bike if it helps!

I've been practicing clouds a bit out of the raw craving to do so! Will be working on them more later but these are the two efforts I've made so far!

uH whats poppin?
I have these assemblage works to upload! They are older but I feel like they are creatively close to my current creative skill, but separate in technical skill.

When I had a private teacher, we worked often in assemblage as creative exercise. These works helped me take and idea and break it open into more raw pieces, than simply illuminating the shell of the idea itself as a work.

14 days later

Hey guys! I have some sketches and inktobers to give! Going to go ahead and discuss them up here to make sure the text survives lol.
1) Sketchy upload is a re-do of the Akira bike to work with perspective as recommended. I think it turned out well! and it helped me better identify some points of perspective on the object!
2) Just some inktober stuff! I'm following jake parker's prompts. Been struggling with inktober and I'm not really afraid to say it. A bit of a rant, but I don't really like how inktober is themed so heavily for self-promotion. Of course, that depends on perspective, but its easily to poison the pure view of doing the challenge to help yourself learn. That's what happened to me so I've hiccuped a bit in the challenge, I'm still going to finish it though!

your ink pieces are looking great!, in particular I like the idea you've got in the last piece with the cloud houses. Maybe check out how other artists render clouds in ink to improve, for example Chris Riddel is a master at it.

2 months later

Hey guys! getting back into forums. i'm pulling this painting out of my 2015 scraps and reworking it. feels like its gonna be a banger, but id like to completely re-render the hands, face, and ocean above (did have bubbles leading up but ive hid the layer for now.) lmk if you spot anything or have any ideas about it! :)))

1 month later

Long time since upload! I took on a self portrait project head on, it turned out really well! Its up on my gram ( https://www.instagram.com/dee.lov/ ) if you want to check it out!

Since january I've been working on taking on fundamentals as well as some sideprojects.

This here is a long term figure study I did to wrap up term 1 with Marc's ARTSCHOOL. I tied in some major rendering practice based on what I've been learning from the Istebrak community. I feel like it turned out well, but most places I've posted, I haven't received much crit

This is a 1 hour warmup for today! I want to learn environments, for the structure and because they are inspiring. Most of my struggle here is deciding what is necessity in the early and quick render of an environment.

Hope you enjoy! :smile: Let me know what you think of these!

3 months later

Day 2, was very lucky to find a used book about NC wyeth, who is among the artists im studying from atm.
In other news, the tablet i was using (brand new btw) busted , and i have to get a pen for it. in the mean time, i will be doing these in acrylic, which is what's below :smile: