Finished the study! I did not go for the full render; but, I feel I did stop at a solid place. I will let this sit for now
Also beginning the illustration I studied in the first place for!
To break this down:
- Piece is about anxiety and fear pulling the life out of the body and manifesting it into a physical mass.
- S curved composition, I used tall grasses to counter the weight of the cloth/goop leaning left
- I'm using toned reds/oranges/blue so far
I have the piece at a branch. I was thinking of using classical cloth for the "dark mass" but 1) not great at rendering cloth and 2) Its not very striking. I have a second option to use a flowing, goopy mass which conveys the idea better. I'm leaning towards goop; but, I'm hoping to get a second opinion
(Goop is the right)