My 2nd sheet of 30 sec gesture drawings and well... I'm not happy

Thanks for your help guys!
Good job with these gestures, definitely I can understand this pain, I hated these so much when I first started them. A few things to note, when I was first starting I felt 30 secs was painfully to fast to even get anything out of the exercise. Marc recommended to me to go up to 2 mins and I feel like it helped a lot. Marc suggests starting with the head, but I have always, always had so many probems with that. Personally I start with the upper torso, then action line, lower torso, legs, arms head last. I have heard artists have different orders, there seems to be no right way to do it, do what feels best and stay consistant. I like torso first because everything builts off of it. Everyones gestures starts out just like this. Just keep going for it. Nice work!
Yeah, I increase my time as well because it frustrates me when I'm not even able to complete each piece or I'm not satisfied with it.
I think it's a good practice with people who focus on details a lot (I'm that person) so the 30 secs are to help them not to get stuck on one part of the body and be more flexible.. but I think increasing the time, in the beginning, helps to get used to sketching gestures and then once you're more comfortable and know what's the process that works for you (like @Lockenheim said) you can then start decreasing the time.
Also I really liked the pen control worksheet we got the first three weeks. It felt well designed and you could easily see your progress. Since we got a new exercise (from the video on youtube) and I could not find a sheet for that, I created my own. Do you think anybody ill be interested in that? I'll gladly share it in better quality (idk what the forum does to my images but they dont look the same).
Hey guys

here are todays gesture drawings (1 min poses). I feel like im able to better understand and get the gesture, allthough it still feels kinda stiff. Getting some volume (even wrong volumes) on the page seems to help me. ALso i tried to focus more on legs because imo it makes my gestures more expressive. Still it feels like its very much a hit and miss game. Some poses i like, but most I don't. However the little improvements i see keep me motivated!