Allthough this one seems to have turned out alright.

Yeah, I don't have it either. Do you guy get a notification when there is new stuff added?

I have gotten some emails when things were added like the new weekly schedule for example but i dont recall getting an email for this pretty new pen control worksheet

Well since I made it myself i guess you could describe it as new :smile:.
Feel free to download and use it though!

To answer your question no, I did not get any notifications about new stuff (yet). Regarding this worksheet you would not get notified anyway, since I made it myself and it is not officially part of the course. Feel free to download and use it though!

Thanks alot! it'll make things easier

Hey guys :smile:,
here are todays gesture drawings (1 min poses). I feel like im able to better understand and get the gesture, allthough it still feels kinda stiff. Getting some volume (even wrong volumes) on the page seems to help me. ALso i tried to focus more on legs because imo it makes my gestures more expressive. Still it feels like its very much a hit and miss game. Some poses i like, but most I don't. However the little improvements i see keep me motivated! :smile:

I can definitely see the improvement from the post a couple of days ago, keep at it. it helps me as well to add volume to the thighs and hips, don't know why lol but it works for me

Here are some shading exercises i finished today (took me way too long :smile:). I would really appreciate some critique. So many shapes and shadows feel out of place/wrong, but I tried them often and this is the best I can get. I just don't know how to get them right :frowning:. Thanks you all!

Haha Thanks! really glad you like it :smile:

The first cubes in perspective I did. Apart from my non-straight lines, I think it turned out alright. Using the krita vanishing points feature made it really simple.

Thanks. Funny enough that you said that. I actually have a unfinished sketch for a spaceship somewhere because when I first did this exercise (before joining the artschool program) I too got these space vibes and wanted to draw them so badly :smile:
I'll try and work on it so I can atleast share a finished sketch ^^.