Hello everyone,
this is the first time I post on cubebrush forum. I purchased last Marc tutorial and I want to show what I have learned so far. To be more active on the internet and show what I can do I decided to show the entire creation process of a new character
that will go in my portfolio if it turns out well. I found this concept on pinterest and I decided to make her in 3d:

I don't know artist's real name but I meanged to find his twitter page: https://twitter.com/songsaeam
I started blocking in anatomy and proportions. When proportions will be good I'll block in clothes and accessories before start detailing.

Good luck and welcome to cubebrush. I'll be watching your progress. Look forward to seeing more.

The hair on the sides are wrong from the angle if you're looking on the reference. Also you need to put them a bit lower. Also i think the face need some more work. Actually the proportions at the moment are not appealing (at least for me) because they are so many things that are undefined or "clunky".
I would recommaned from time to time to make a screenshot put it in photoshop and paintover it to see all the mistakes and than use it as a reference.

Here a fast overpaint:

Thank you for your suggestions! I'll keep them in mind

For simplicity we will say you're modeling an anime female. Anime females are slim and rounded off with little sharp edges. I feel you approached it a bit too realistic which is why it looks off from the reference. Things like your head shape, neck width facing user, nose, and eyes immediately pop out at me because of this. I would say model it as you see it and do not be afraid to push and pull your mesh. For example, if you look at your reference (legs specifically) they are rather thick and they don't taper too much versus your base mesh that does. I hope I wasn't too harsh with this critique. If I was, I apologize. I figure if I give you every last possible issue I see you'll have a good starting point to edit etc. Good job so far though, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out!=D

You're not too harsh, I really appreciate your critique! Good thing I stopped to work on this for a bit so now I can continue working on her with your and shiv0r suggestions!