Lets see if Im doing this right. I dont have much forum experience so this gonna be interesting.

My name is Oscar im from Germany and currently 17 y/o.
I have "only" been interested in art for a few years (it started in 2016) and not too long ago I decided to take it more seriously because it is the thing I enjoy most. Im not very comfortable here yet so im going to keep this rather short.

I purchased Art School right at the start of this year so im already half way in Term 1. I hope Im able to keep this somewhat updated.

So here are a lot of my gesture practice session from january.

I have some catching up to do so here are the skeletons. I was lazy with a lot of them but i didnt want to go over the line of not having fun anymore.

So last but not least the full figures. These were so hard and unfortunately since I didnt think about posting them here in the beginning I erased many guidelines and also (semi) cheated here and there by overlaying them to see what they were lacking while still in progress.

Nice Oscar!

These look a lot better than when I was working on this stuff. Keep it up.

Not sure how much overlap you did to check yourself but I recommend you do it in moderation, I did the same when I started and it was rather hard to break that habit personally.

Thanks for the advice. I tried to only do it for correcting mistakes but its so easy to do it for personal satisfaction x).

9 days later

So I thought I should start sharing my progress more often because thats kin of the point. But Im still hesitant because (this might sound stupid) uploading everything here takes some time and thought. Any ways I will try sharing more frequently from now on.

Here is the first draft of my perspective sketches for the perspective part of term 1.

While im at it here are the more recent ones (I did one every other day starting Feb 1st).
I did get of track on some of them where it wasnt so much about the perspective and more about the painting.