Thank you @catsforsnacks, @gregorya and @Sthingz!
I need to leave that comfort zone finally and start making proper pieces. I will be working on it slowly one step at a time. I can see the neck being too long
Some minor problems arose so I will wait till christmas with getting schoolism. At least the discount will still be there (and the taxes...) I try to make a plan because Nathan Fowkes alone has quite a few courses there.
Some studies before I find a way to start a new piece.
The painting took about 5hours. I lowered the contrast on the bottom so it doesn't steal attention from the face. Trying to experiment with values. I couldn't get the face right so I just ignored the ref. Now I see that arms have slightly different angles. Hands are smaller compared to ref but the head is also smaller which is probably the reason for it

Have a good day!