I love the sketches, you've got a lot of interesting thumbnails and ideas going on with this. I love how you play with values even in your thumbnails, that's really nice, it helps the audience to visualize what your final piece will look like and to get a sense of the tone each one is going for at a glance. My favorites so far is the 1st on the left, and the last two on the right. The concepts intrigue me.
For your second page, I think if you're going for an evil look, the three horns nails it. She looks sinister but still has the queenly vibe to her. Like evil and regal at the same time haha. I like your first sketch a lot, but I don't think she screams evil to me. If you had a story and wanted her to have a darker aspect to her then I think she'd be perfect as her design would lend to either a good queen or evil queen.
Really nice work though, good luck on the artjam! Looking forward to seeing the completed piece!