Queen's 'before' look I had not planned such colors but I just have to make every character blue... I tried adjusting them a bit later but I didn't like it so I left it like that. I thought about making gold pieces silver but it all blended so I left it gold (it was even pinkish gold but it was too flashy). I found scales brush but it didn't match my painterly style so I added random splashes. I am pretty satisfied with this render. I want to focus more on her end look.
Should I cover her more? I tried adding some stuff on torso but I didn't like it so it is just scales.
Illustration I addded lights. I don't know if rim light is correct. I noticed that I have no idea how water looks like. I want to add some mist but it gets blurry. I need to study special effects. I am considering changing curtains color.