Here i stand once again, this week has been quite rough, but somehow i managed to do "almost" all the assignments, here it is. (Brace for a flood of images)
Gestures 2min (Did 5 per day)
Discord Gestures
Daily Figure Drawing Assigment 7
Daily Perspective 1 Assignment 2 (Only did 6)
Nude Figure Drawing Assignment 4 (From imagination)

Artists Studies (Lineart Only)
Only managed to do 4 studies, so here are 3 studies i made from the artist Moryo もりょ , and 1 that i just pick from google so i dont know who the artist is.
1 - On this one i just yolo the shadows just for fun, so it's probably broken, but oh well.
2 - I posted the construction of it earlier, but since i drawn the lineart on top of it i cant put it on the side.
3 - In this one i tried to make the lineart as clean as possible so i made it on another layer, i liked this one the most actually.
4 - My girlfriend asked me to do baby Gohan so here it is, this is not from Moryo もりょ btw.
Once again, for these i mainly focus on construct the figure as close as possible from the reference using simple shapes, them i make the lineart on top of the construction.
And that's about it, thanks for passing by.