Hello im Paulo, 18 yrs old. Recently started taking art more seriously. Please be harsh and honest :grin:

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Some gladiator thumbnails for the character design group on fb, any thoughts? Will probably go with B

Hey Paulo, and welcome to the forums :smile: Your sketches are nice, but may need some line refinement! Besides that, you might need to look a bit into proportions, as it seems to be very visible in your work so far (most visible on your B Gladiator, small legs). Either way, glad to see that you're taking art serious at that age! Good stuff so far, hopefully we can help you improve :smile:

Yeah i agree now that you point it out, legs are too short man :smiley: Gonna fix that when i further work on the designs, thanks for the input.

Welcome! I can see you have a good eye for art and poses, you'll get there :smile:
I agree about the line refinement. And you make use of values, but not really consistent yet, I'd want to see more contrasted values and shadow/highlighted planes on the body.
Keep it up!

This is really cool! Good contrast and lighting!
To me it doesn't feel finished. The flames can be more refined, and some edges (rim light kinda) on his clothes. His legs also seem to suddenly stop mid-air.
I would detail the flames and the rest of the character almost as much as his hands. Lastly, I don't really see the nice expression you painted on the face now.

But it's your call what you do with it of course ^_^

Man you are right, I got impatient with some parts of the painting. I can probably push the outfit and fire a bit more with proper reference. Thanks for pointing this out, ill update you later :smiley:

That's tha spirit ;D I'm looking forward to it.

Was sick the whole week so sorry for the late update
I messed around with the fire painting and decided im done with it. Cant look at it anymore :smiley:

Here is a 30 min skull and a still life that took me a couple days. I never do long paintings, it was a struggle :frowning:

Both turned out awesome! Cloth is very hard.
Why not define the skull more? :smile:

@enalya Thanks yeah i agree. The skull was just a warmup so i didn't refine it :smile:

Leyendecker Sketch, i like how it turned out