You're going wrong in here!

I'm going to have to order one of those skulls, now hehe.

Fuck. I meant to type "going strong!" lol

29/30 Had a hard time putting value down with ballpoint only so i added some pencil shading

does anyone know if you can post a reply in this thread without having to scroll down to the bottom everytime?

Cool! I think the pink background really works with the zombie feeling

@jfan Thanks! I used the complementary of green to get a good color harmony, still have a lot to learn though

Here is the final assignment for Jonathan Hardesty's course at Schoolism. Learned a lot about value and color relationships, you basically constantly have to compare proportion, values, edges and colors to each other. And color is a lot less complicated than i though, if u think of it as warms vs cools. I get the theory but i still suck at practice haha. I would recommend taking that course anyways because he covers a lot of foundational stuff.
I spent about 6 hours on this painting, planning to learn more about portraits in the future

I think that the work you've been doing is really showing in this last painting. The face looks gorgeous! Nice work!

That portrait came out great!

I also suffer from not finishing things. If you figure it out let me know! haha!

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