Hey, was busy making my submission for this weeks contest! This was my progress. Post-WIP! I didn't have many ideas or much time this week, so I went with this little silly story about using special powers to cool off your drink on the beach! I sketched out my characters face on a very small paper, (which looked alright before I blew it up on the screen!!) and put it in, I added the borders to separate character and background and started working from that.
In the second picture, I spent a lot of time trying to get anatomy, proportions and other things right. I wish I could start out in colors, but I am not quite there yet. In this phase, I wanted to make sure everything was alright before I went into coloring. And that is pretty much it.
I also made myself a time schedule with submission date (wednesday) which helped me avoid procrastination and broke me through any form of art blocks. Although I don't experience art blocks a lot; I struggle deciding on things! Anyway, hope you enjoy!