Hey all! I will be joining you all in this new forum and I'm gonna try to upload as often as I can on this art blog! I'll be post anything from WIP, sketches, models to paintings. :smile:

I'll start by uploading something fresh, a character that I've struggled for far too long on! Finally moving on from it to clear my mind.

Hey welcome to CB forums. I know being here you'll grow a lot.
First off cool idea. Love the colors and the design is cool to me.
For your next piece and even this one, check your proportions and anatomy before adding on armor and clothes. One of the biggest things I noticed in this last piece is the size of the head proportionally to her body. Other anatomical areas can be looked at as well. Other than that cool stuff so far. Keep up the good work.

Hello, thanks! Yea, I can see it now that you mention it! Thanks for helping! :smile:

Definitely @malcom one of the first thing that strike me as odd when I opened the post was the head. Overall solid color choices and cool design.

Welcome aboard!

Hey! Indeed, anatomy definitely went over my head on that one (pun intended). Thanks for the feedback and welcome!

These studies are quite nice. Those ears on the first one remind me of President Obama :smile_cat:

It is nice to see that you've progressing in 2d and 3d. Same thing with me). Keep up the good work!

Good-looking 3d work! I never played WoW, but those barrels and boxes look charmingly video-gamey. Really feel the urge to break'em looking for items.

Hey, was busy making my submission for this weeks contest! This was my progress. Post-WIP! :smiley: I didn't have many ideas or much time this week, so I went with this little silly story about using special powers to cool off your drink on the beach! I sketched out my characters face on a very small paper, (which looked alright before I blew it up on the screen!!) and put it in, I added the borders to separate character and background and started working from that.

In the second picture, I spent a lot of time trying to get anatomy, proportions and other things right. I wish I could start out in colors, but I am not quite there yet. In this phase, I wanted to make sure everything was alright before I went into coloring. :smile: And that is pretty much it.

I also made myself a time schedule with submission date (wednesday) which helped me avoid procrastination and broke me through any form of art blocks. Although I don't experience art blocks a lot; I struggle deciding on things! Anyway, hope you enjoy!