28 days later

Hey! Nice progress so far! I would suggest trying and practising drawing and then rotating cylinders and other geometrical shapes before proceeding with the more advanced anatomy. It may sound extremely boring but geometrical forms are the building blocks of almost any drawing really so it's best to first become super comfortable with them.
And this exercise can also help you in perceiving things that you are drawing like 3d forms rather than lines!
Don't know if it will be helpful for you but it made me progress faster

Nice! Thank you for the the feedback! Actually I been practicing the 3d geometrical shapes regularly (rotating, sculping and deforming).
I'm following the weekly study companion guide so my pacing is according to that weekly practice file.
and speaking of weekly practice...

Those are some lovely shapes. Did you draw them on paper or on an art software that emulate traditional media like rebelle?

2 months later

ur design looks really cool!

imo he'd look even better if u shrink him down a little vertically tho :smiley:

4 months later

11 days later

your animals all look so happy XD

that bat is so cute LOL

14 days later

3 months later