Welcome to the forums, great stuff so far, looking forward to see your progress

You did a very good job on the color matching, the only critique that i have is that the background where the clouds are aren't as greenish blue they are missing saturation. Other than that you did really good, a lot better than my attempt. I look forward to your progress.

You did so well with the color adjustments! I won't lie. The line and circle exercises were very humbling for me too, but if you're not used to working with a tablet/computer set up, don't beat yourself up. I was switching from Procreate and pencil/paper to a tablet and laptop and I was moritfiedddd haha! Can't wait to see your progress!

Thank you! Truthfully, I have been working for a tablet for quite a while. I don't have the best foundations when it comes to line work in general, and I have always avoided practicing this skill until now. After this exercise, I definitely have to improve in this area.

Here are my combining images and apple assignments. I'm still working on these assignments slowly. I never done this photo manipulation before, but I find it surprisingly fun. Though, I still need to improve.

I really like your "dream home" one! Particularly the cat in the... almost foreground lol! Very dreamy.

Thank you! I didn't really feel like putting a human in there, so I went with a cat lol

Here is the rest of the photo manipulation assignments. I had a hard time with putting Martin Sheen's features onto Andrew Garfield's face, but it was fascinating to use photoshop to age someone up. Also, I chose them because of the Amazing Spider-Man movies.

I had a fun time liquifying an alien's face and making it look close to Willem Dafoe's face. Though, I also had a hard time with the muddy textures as a result of the liquify tool. And it occurred to me after I finished the liquify tool that Willem Dafoe was from Sam Raimi's Spider-Man series. So, this is a nice Spider-Man-themed post.

Here is some of my perspective assignments and studies. I have always slacked off on perspective since I have never found this process entertaining. I preferred figure drawing. However, doing the exercises was a nice break from human figures since I was drawing boxes most of the time. The exercises also allowed me to see the use of perspective in other people's artwork more recently. I look forward to incorporating perspective into my drawing routine/exercise.

8 days later

Here is another assignment for the perspective section of Term 1. I had a lot of fun trying to add in details once I got my grid established.

Looks really nice! Line weight works well!

Thanks! You are right about the bed. It looks too long for a normal bed.

Here is the building assignment for the perspective section. I don't show it on my drawing, but my grid was getting very hectic for me.

14 days later

I'm back to it. I took a break last weekend because I really needed to relax haha. Anyways, here is some stuff for the figure drawing portion. I've been doing gesture drawings as a warm-up before each of the assignments that I was doing (like the color adjustments, perspective, etc.). And I've done a lot since then. I included just a select few. The first drawings at the top are the beginning and the last drawings at the bottom are more recent.

Also, I don't if it's just me, but I tend to jump straight into details too quickly when I draw people. So it was really relaxing just to focus on circles and cylinders for these drawings. It also really forced me to simplify everything in the human body.