8 days later
These assignments have been very humbling to me. To be honest, I thought I was good at drawing, but doing these assignments made me realize that there's still so much I have to learn. And knowing this fact excites me because now I know where to go in my art journey, and I can't wait to learn more!
Also, if anyone has any advice about using the image adjustment tools, that would be much appreciated, because I spent a lot of time with them for this assignment, and I'm still confused on how to use them.
You did so well with the color adjustments! I won't lie. The line and circle exercises were very humbling for me too, but if you're not used to working with a tablet/computer set up, don't beat yourself up. I was switching from Procreate and pencil/paper to a tablet and laptop and I was moritfiedddd haha! Can't wait to see your progress!
Here is the rest of the photo manipulation assignments. I had a hard time with putting Martin Sheen's features onto Andrew Garfield's face, but it was fascinating to use photoshop to age someone up. Also, I chose them because of the Amazing Spider-Man movies.
I had a fun time liquifying an alien's face and making it look close to Willem Dafoe's face. Though, I also had a hard time with the muddy textures as a result of the liquify tool. And it occurred to me after I finished the liquify tool that Willem Dafoe was from Sam Raimi's Spider-Man series. So, this is a nice Spider-Man-themed post.
Here is some of my perspective assignments and studies. I have always slacked off on perspective since I have never found this process entertaining. I preferred figure drawing. However, doing the exercises was a nice break from human figures since I was drawing boxes most of the time. The exercises also allowed me to see the use of perspective in other people's artwork more recently. I look forward to incorporating perspective into my drawing routine/exercise.