Hi everyone!

Firstly I'm a newbie to the Concept Art world, over the past year I've been learning how to work digitally and what the process is for creating Concept Art, and I'm now at the stage where I can start creating ideas digitally.

I know there are some really talented and experienced artists on the forum so it would be great if you could spare a few minutes to critique my work and give me pointers on what's good, and what can be improved on for future work.

The character I created is called "Nuke" and my inspiration was from games like Destiny and Overwatch, so maybe he could slot into that type of role. I've still to decide upon exactly what abilities and strengths he would have, however toying with the idea of some sort of tactical sight, special grenades, rapid lazer fire pistols or some sort of "stomp" type move with his strong legs. I tried to keep the anatomy and pose fair accurate, however did try to exaggerate some proportions in the perspective.

Anyway, if anyone could critique how my progress is going so far it would be much appreciated :grinning:

Welcome to the forums :cb:
I'm currently not able to do a paint over so I'll try to explain my feedback as best as possible.
Let me start out with saying nice color palette and interesting design so far. You have a solid idea that really hasn't been explored a lot(at least I haven't seen it a lot)
Now hopefully you don't take this feedback too harshly.
Heres some things I think you need to work on"
1.) Anatomy and Proportions - Currently the anatomy is kinda wonky. Specially the way the armor pieces lay on top of the body. He has chunky legs and a huge upper body but his arms feel skinny proportion wise. The placement of muscles need work as well. I highly recommend always drawing the naked body first with all the muscles before adding clothes or armor. Doing this will allow you to notice anatomy mistakes much faster and make sure everything is correct. Not sure if you were using references but if not, USE them. It'll only benefit you. If you can use a friend or family member to pose for you; try that. Even taking a photo of yourself could be a huge help.

2.) Rendering - Materials don't read well. I can assume what might be what but I'm not sure. Everything has this weird grain effect. I recommend taking it off it's on a separate layer.

3.) )Perspective - Its really noticeable with the neck brace thing you. With the way his body is positioned and the direction his chest should be going, the neck/should piece doesn't make much sense. It looks like its trying to go in 2 different directions so it seems odd. Same thing with the right shoulder armor piece. Establish some perspective lines first to make sure things line up in the direction they should be. Here's a few tutorials you can check out. ONE & TWO Even though you have your character in a semi orthographic view, you still have to pay attention to this kind of stuff.

4.) Design - I would say this character fits into overwatch a little more than a game like Destiny because of his stylized proportions. In overwatch I might see this as an offense of defensive class hero. I think this a good start an like I said earlier, cool idea. I think you should play with the idea more. Maybe try 1 big weapon since his name is nuke. If you want him stepping on people, Create a version with bigger robotic legs that look like it will hurt someone. Currently he seems like a sudo dps tank character with his huge build but small pistol/sub machine gun like weapons. Working on the anatomy and perspective will help you fix the design elements. Right now I'm not sure what some things are suppose to be because of the rendering. This is a good start but I think you need to do some more iterations of the character. Try to define your character characteristics and go from there. Try to emphasize the theme/hook of the character more. Right now he seems alien like with nuke symbols on him which isn't bad at all. Try looking at clothes people who deal with nukes of bombs wear an put your own creative twist on it. Try thinking of your elements a bit more. Check out Marcs tutorial on this Right here

Hope this feedback helps. This is a great start and I wouldn't want you to get discourage. Take each step 1 at a time. Keep up the good work. :wink:

I would go a step back and do thumbnails and collecting ideas with silhouettes. The current problem is that it seems (at least for me) that you dont have a clue what you actually want. For example there is a atomic sign on his shoulders but nothing on the rest of the design actually really fits with that. Also the weapon looks more like a alien made weapon from the shape and if this it's true why would have a alien a atomic sign on his suit?
Than it is pretty easy to shoot him in the upper leg because for some reason he dosen't have a protection there. Etc.

It makes for example sense to write down before you go to the silhouettes what he can actually doing gameplaywise because both of your reference are actually games and the design need to fit the gameplay of the character to present the mechanics or typ of character as good as possible for the viewer.

Hey Malcom,

Thanks a lot for taking the time to help, I've taken it all on board and will look to improve the areas I can, and certainly keep the advice in mind for the next creation.

In answer to your points;

1) I definitely need to work on my anatomy in general, and will look to make improvements either on this one or the next iteration.

2) I've struggled a bit with rendering as most pieces I've experimented with in the past end up looking "soft" and airbrushed, just all in all "too digital" if that makes sense? So I added a bit of texture to try and avoid that. Maybe I will remove this from the armour pieces and keep it only on the cloth areas.

3) for perspectiive I used a digital manikin on an ipad app I have as reference which comes with some good perspective features, and I actually thought I'd got it pretty spot on with some very minor flaws. I think the neck area is suffering perhaps due to the dramatic angle in which he is positioned, coupled with the ambitious contours of the of the neck armour. I will look to make some adjustments though.

4) I think trying a large rocket launcher type weapon could work really well, awesome idea there thanks! I'm also toying with the idea of making the rear of the orange armour area on the torso a jet pack - I'll see how it works out when I start sketching it out.

Again, thanks so much for your advice. Like I said, this is my first piece really that hasn't stemmed from a tutorial so I'm very much a beginner looking to improve in every way I can. I am really happy with the start I've made though, once I get more practice in I think I can start producing some better quality work :grinning:

Thanks shiv0r, some good advice and yeah I definitely need to try and nail the theme more. I think if I add a more industrial heavy weapon it could tie it all in together.

With regards to the leg armour, I actually took the idea from something similar that I wear to work as an armed police officer..... Perhaps I should raise the safety concern with the bosses! :grin: Ha! In all seriousness though, it's a fair point, I just need to think of something that will provide extra protection but still allow maneuverability.

It was only a example.^^ The same goes for the arms etc aswell. You should just see the character and thinking:

"Oh yeah he has a lot of mobility but for that he scacrfice his defensive."


"Oh he seems like a soldier that has a lot of protection but for that his damage or mobility isn't great."

Look for example Doomfist. He just dont care to wear a suit, because his whole body has augmentations. That would be for example a way to explain the viewer that the naked parts are already protected.

Yeah I think I just need to develop my mind a bit more to really explore the concepts. I guess it will come with practice!

Ok guys, so taking your advice on board I'm working on different aspects of the concept now, starting with the larger weapon. I started with about 8 silhouettes, developed a few, narrowed it down to three - and have decided to use the top idea.

Now, this is my first ever go at weapon design, so as before any tips would be appreciated as I continue my process :grinning:

hey @scottstrachan let me start this off with just saying great profile picture and even though toy may be sith, may the force be with you. Sooo how about we get this show on the road?

  • Familiar weapon design

I don't know about you but i'm really getting a halo vibe from the first gun you choose as the main design and i do believe that weapon was your best option. The second gun design just reminded me of a desert eagle with a rifle stock at the back it also looks very troublesome to reload and not very efficient which is why i didn't quite like that option. The third gun (not sugar coating) just made zero sense whatsoever, It gives the vibe of a pump action gun but the barrel looks directly attached to the pump. Alright enough jibber jabber let's move on shall we?

  • Weapon knowledge and efficiency

"to beat the system, understand it first". Scifi guns are basically caricatures of the weaponry we have today meaning if you really want to create something decent and concrete then you have to know the system your trying to recreate and twist. Common sense right? Yes, however that's why many of us look past it instead of going back and doing a bit more of the fundamental work. Learn the parts of today's and passed weapons why they where made and what purpose they serve and you can create anything!

  • Final statements

I just want to say you did a great job for your first time, keep up the great work and if you have anymore questions don't be afraid to @ me anytime! of course when the time comes I'd love for you to critique me as well! I hope this helped and as always I wish you safe travels in the realm of cubebrush on your artistic journey!


Signing out.

Ok @malcom

So I've tried to go everything you suggested and tweak it to answer your critique.

1) I've given him more muscular arms of which you can only really see one of. I referenced an anatomy figure pose - so hopefully it looks ok.

2) I've taken away the grain effect from the outer "skin" type layer and smoothened that off so that there is a definite difference between both the metal armour and under armour layer.

3) I've tweaked the perspective slightly in the hope that the upper section reads a bit better.

4) I've given him a larger weapon and given him a new pose which hopefully emphasises he is more of a brute!

Would really appreciate your feedback on the changes I've made, as I've treated your critique as though I was working and you as the art director / lead have asked for changes :grinning:

Thanks @exofley!

You're right, the weapon I chose had influences from Halo and also Mass Effect. I went with the first one and included it with my figure, hope you like it!

Also, would be happy to give some reviews of your work. I'm just starting out though, so not sure how valuable they'll be :grin:

Honestly @malcom, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to provide me with this help. I'll get back to the drawing board and see what I can improve!

Just checking in again and @malcom is giving extremely useful information as always , especially with the neck piece and the waist section of this characters anatomy. However I have one thing I wanted to help chime in with.

Armor shapes

When mal started talking about the shoulder guard being larger the idea then arose. I came up with the idea of changing some shapes around to display and convey a more prominent brute character.

For instance, your character has a lot of smooth round features. When you think about circles, smooth fluid surfaces, sleek clean armor designs what first comes to your mind....? A brute force to be reckoned with or a Rouge-Type agility based character?... Exactly!

Deconstructing your work is a very important part of critiquing yourself, my advice is that you test more shapes on your characters armor configuration. Ask yourself what makes a true brute? here's a great example of what I'm trying to elaborate to.

(Square harden steel, sharp pointy objects mixed with smooth surfaces and all the elements your character already displays. I'm not saying change all your shapes however, you have to allow for contrasting elements that both help convey to the viewer THIS IS A BRUTE compared to your first time I saw Nuke I thought he was a hybrid... just some food for thought.)

P.S - Watch the prospective with your Heavy blaster rifle it looks as if one side is twisting (the stock) while the front barrel is remaining indifferent. I believe it's the curve on the front end of the gun that's getting me. I'll do a little over paint when I have for more time. sorry this was so much longer then it should have been... lol.


signing out .... again.

edit here's what I was talking about!

Ok guys,

I've taken as much as I could from your critiques and done my best to produce a finished Concept sheet. I guess I could work forever on this one idea but I think it's time to move on and start my next character with the knowledge you guys have given me.

Hope you like it, and as ever and points you want to give on the final sheet are appreciated!