Hi guys,
i need some help with this piece i am working on.

i'll tell you what i was going for, maybe that will help you guys, help me.
So what you see is woman sitting down in the woods, behind her is some sort of tent.
In her hand a fairy lands coming from the lightsource above, residing between some sort of cloth/curtain.
Is it obvious what it needs to represent or does it not read well?

So the problem i have is that the woman feels a bit like she is floating above the ground beneath her, perhaps the shadow or the way the cape curves, the scale. i don't seem to find what i need to change or how to change it for her to feel part of this world.

Also should i use only one lightsource to have one main focalpoint? or what do you guys think?
Or should i use my lines differently?

Any feedback is welcome!
sorry for the long text, i had a lot of questions as a first time poster hehe
Thanks :smiley:

Hey Fluxgate, I think the image conveys what you described. I like the simple style. It looks a bit like a 2D sidescroller game. Anyways, here are my thoughts on how to improve what you mentioned:

The style you are going for is a quite simple one, based on simple shapes, flat colors / gradients and hard edges. So I think part of what makes the character look like shes floating is the soft gray shadow behind her. The shadow right now is "added" to the ground, but actually it should be the opposite. So a lightsource only lightens up the areas it hits, and usually never darkens them. In order for there to be a dark shadow, you probably would need to change the lighting in the picture a bit. It's quite hard to explain, so I did an overpainting. I hope you dont mind.

Basically I darkened the image to get darker values overall, then considered where the light would hit and added the shadow of the character. As you can see the shadow that is cast by the light source does not get darker than the rest of the image.

Other than that as said I really like the idea and style of your image. : )

The difference is amazing.
It is really motivating to see how a few changes can change a scene quite a bit.

Indeed the hard edges must be kept in order for the style to work. And the overal darker tone makes the light pop even more. And the shadow and light work hand in hand now, as before it was unclear where the light exactly was with those shadows.
I will play around with it and see if i can get it right.
I am assuming this is something you get better at as you get more experienced hehe.

Anyways, thank you for your help, and showing me how it is done.
really thanks
All hail the king : D