Hi, i am new here i and i hope i will be here for a long time.
I am confused about something, when i watch people who digital paint online, i see there use hard brush with opacity pressure and somehow are very precize about where there want exactly color. Where they want more or less of color they are choose.
But somehow i dont precize at all, advices?
Sorry for my nonperfect english.

24 days later

it takes practice to control the pressure well and blend with a hard round

Assuming you're using Photoshop, you can switch from the brush (B) to the color-picker tool by holding down the ALT key.

This means you can paint something, then grab the local color as you go, and keep painting with that new color to help with your accuracy and blending.

Beyond that, pen pressure and control take a long time to master. Think of it as learning to play an instrument - there's a LOT of time and practice required!

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