Hello! My name is Qbicc. I am a 31 years old and I started with arts at the 03.04.2021.
Since I am a complete beginner and already 31 years old, I am kinda worried.
For now I do not intent to do arts for a living, but more as a hobby.
I do however want to become really good at it, to eventually draw beautiful illustrations of scenes in all kinds of perspectives with figures in them.

I want to start by uploading todays attempt of gesture drawing, because I have a feeling that this is what will keep me in Term 1 for a long time.
I feel pretty uncomfortable with gesture drawing. Even though I keep hearing you have to be loose, that seems to be very hard for me.
Comparing my gesture drawings to the ones, that other term 1 students post, I feel like I have a long way to go.

I feel like I am loosing too much time by drawing the ribcage and pelvis and bones of the arms and legs, but otherwise the proportions of my figures come out really bad.
Also I read many times, that you should not focus on the outlines of the reference figure, but if I do not draw the bone structure first, I cannot help but do exactly that.
Advices would be highly appreciated there =)

Hey qbiccx !
and welcome :grinning:

As i see you'r a beginer, take your time, 1min and 30sec seems to short currently,
try something more large in time like 5min, speed comes with experience, reduce the timer as you progress and feel more confident, and if you think lose time with this classe, go one another, gesture is something you need to integrated in your planning, something you'll have to working on regularly don't block on it to long.

2nd point : Comparing your work with someone else work is a good fuel but also a poison, keep in mind there is many skills levels on the forum and we all progress at our own rhythm, so don't be too hard with yourself find a objectif and how may you reach to it.

we'r also more active on Discord ! don't hesitate to join us :smile: https://discord.gg/r2Pgkz9G

and you should change the topic name for something like : "Qbiccx - Art School Journey", it will prevent to spam the forum of "Term 2/3/4..."
and keep your work on one only page.

hope my approximate English still easy to read :joy:

and good luck on your Art School Journey :grinning:

Welcome! It is never too late, so don't stress out :smile:

Welcome, try not to worry too much on the actual finish line it will make it less stressful and may keep you a bit more motivated. i struggled with that when i started. Good luck