Hi everyone!
I'm currently trying to learn by my self, by most of my drawings are "studies" from other artist I like, so my question is if it is advisable to post those studies (and start my artblog here with that content) even if those people doesn't even know that I'm doing it.

Thank you in advance.

I think it's alright as long as you credit the creator if it's heavily copied. Just post it and see if it gets deleted!

Yep, they are all heavily copied, and I also think if I credit the creator it shouldn't be a problem. But I don't want to breake any rule or do something inarpropiate, I just want to learn from them and I had never posted them anywhere, but now I think this may be a good place to do it.

@ayreonaut_one Please post forum related questions in the Help Center section next time.
I moved it for you.

Thank you! I don't know if yesterday this help center sub forum wasn't or I just didn't see it. I was also thinking in suggest a "contact the stuff" sub forum, but this is the same think, so good to know!

Sure, as long as you mention those are studies and at least give a link to the originals, no problem here.

Probably best to include the originals in your post as well, to make it easy for others to give feedback!

Thanks for your answer, I just did so!