Hey there, haha, don't fear posting here, it's chill. I know I don't judge or try to compare, if anything I use these forums to be part of the community, to try to help with my limited knowledge as best I can - be it acknowledging proper use of the fundamentals as I learn the theory or critiquing in those same lines. Or simply admiring other people's art and getting inspired. So far, I've learned a lot in these forums, and posting definitely helps me stay motivated, so please, don't let fear get in the way!
As for your first assignment, the photoshop stuff is impressive. Very good photo manipulation and the color exercises as well, especially the last one, it's super hard and I think you did a pretty good job.
As for line work, I recommend you use your shoulder for smoother lines. Try ghosting (like rehearsing in the air) the stroke a couple of times, and go for relatively quick strokes, or at least with a steady pace so as to avoid your brain micro correcting the line as you draw it, this helps a lot. Also, ctrl+Z (or command Z) is your friend in digital art.
I also recommend you play around with your tablet's sensitivity to find a sweet spot for how hard you press when drawing, it can help make the transitions from clear to opaque or thick and thin easier to control. Either way, as you keep practicing, doing assignments, playing around, you will get the hang of it in no time