Hello everyone!
I recently joined the art school program and made it my goal to finish it before the fall semester 2022 this year. I know this is such a short time, but this is the only period of time left before I (hopefully) start working on my BSN (bachelor's degree in nursing) in the fall. So Imma start grinding for the days and hours I'm not at work (ง •_•)ง
(EDIT: Actually, there's no way I'm going to finish art school by the fall semester lol. Going to take more time ;-; )

Here are some digital art pieces I've done so far below:

Looking forward to learning! Woo!

There are 162 replies with an estimated read time of 17 minutes.

Always wanted something like the hobbit house in the movie...

These look very well done and presentable, especially your use of colours to give everything a finished feel. I usually don't polish my study work to that extent.

Thanks! I usually like to "aestheticize" my sketches so I can look back and appreciate them more :smile: But there is nothing wrong with not making them look cohesively pleasing since they're just study work. Thanks for commenting!

9 days later

Finally finished my 1st perspective drawing assignment! Goodness it took me more than a week to finish this, for one since I've never invested in drawing something like this to this degree before. I felt really competitive when I started on this and ended up spending more time on this than I should...

oh well...

Gonna call it a day with my study on 2 point perspective! Although I accidentally did 3 point perspective because of some parts like the window hoods... ;-; I'm now moving on to term 2

I definitely overdid it with this one lol, I had a very competitive spirit

The bottom part is less detailed because I have a certain concept planned out for this piece that I hope to complete in the near future.
I would love for some feedback... if anyone sees this🥲

Another set of gesture drawing, and reference drawing assignment for term 1. And I said in the last post I would move on to term 2... ( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ

I had some difficulty/ confusion with the photoshop part a assignments, probably because I'm using clip studio paint instead. I attempted to do the first 2 assignments so far; here is mine for the second:

I referenced a butterfly, images from Monsters Inc., a cat, and tarantula eyes (side note: tarantula eyes are so adorable, but the rest of their body makes me feel conflicted, goodness it's a weird feeling), which is a bit out there since I wanted to make them mysterious, but cute at the same time :smile:

Would appreciate any feedback!