tried doing some 2min gestures. Not sure what my issue is but I don't think these look any better than my 30-second ones.

these ones are very stiff compared to the 30 sec gestures

I notice my gestures look very boxy compared to better ones I've seen. It's probably because I'm focusing on the shape more than I should be?

2min gestures attempt 2

they still seem too boxy to me but i feel more expression in these than the last batch , so thats good.

1st attempt at a full figure from reference. legs are stumpy I think, but all in all it went well I think.
I dont know how to get the rotation of the hips in this drawing

yeah thats true. Try not to think about copying the outline of the pose, but rather "feel" its movement and flow. You are not trying to portray a human figure, but movement instead. there is a great video about gesture drawing on the Proko YT channel, maybe check that one out! :smile:

More 2min gestures, much better than last time I feel.

I want to spend a bit more time on these until I'm more satisfied with the results.

You guessed it!
More gesture drills! I did a lot of gesture work today these were just the ones i happened to save so that I could post them here.

These were 30-second drills, I am working on making them less boxy and only using CSI lines. I'm much happier with these than the previous entries.
You guys see anything im still not quite picking up on?

Here are some 2 min gestures. I finally feel like I am doing this somewhat correctly.
I am going to keep working on this until Monday, then I'll move on.

Please ignore the hands and feet lol.

Wanted to work on constructing this mannequin besides my reference, I think it looks pretty good for the most part. took longer to complete than I would have liked.
but hey thats why i'm practicing.

If you try this exercise again I'd like to reccommend adding more reference points / lines. Create a cube that is 1 head high by 1 head long and make a grid instead of just a box/ outline. definite improvement already, though! keep practicing and keep up the great work!

another try, looking better each time.
I tried putting contour lines on the body this time but it looks like he is wearing striped pajamas or something.

My best figure drawing so far. the rear leg looks a bit wonky to me, and the hands are bad but other than that I think it looks good.

For rear leg, notice how the side of it is below the inner knee of the front leg, but in your drawing it's above it. Also, the leg is too wide and the foot is too big.

Hope this helps!

Great improvement, keep this up and you'll be there before you know it!