Got distracted by this game called Palworld. It's pretty addicting. So I thought I'd get back where I left off!
These were made in 30 seconds vs the 45 seconds I was doing previously. I did three sets, and this is just my last set. I think they look good, except for the part where they're not really finished.
I might move on after this one. Dunno yet though. I'm not really satisfied with my level yet. Although will I ever be satisfied?
Can't speak for @snakker, but what I understand, or rather what I do now, is that I'll add a layer, use the whole canvas space to draw, and when I'm done, hide it, add another layer, and work on the next gesture/sketch. By the end I can rearrange them as needed, making them smaller, moving then, etc.
Using the whole space allows me to do larger arm/hand movements and to visually focus more on the current gesture, which usually results in smoother lines.
What I did before, was just draw on a single layer, zoom in, and do all drawings one besides the other, trying to take up as much canvas space by the end. Some do gestures as long as there's space in their canvas.
I think either approach is viable, as long as you are comfortable with it.
The answer is yes and no.
No, you will always want to improve, to do something more. I can't think of a single pro who says "Yea, I've peaked, there's nowhere left to go".
Yes, you should learn to appreciate your own art, your progress and to be proud of what you do regardless of your level. If you put the effort and are working to continuously improve and express yourself, and more importantly, are having fun, you're doing it right.
Both are important in healthy dosis and very destructive when taken in negative ways. You will probably also swing back and forth depending on your mood and feeback received.
Alrighty, the next assignment is some figure drawings. When I overlayed the line work on the picture, it is pretty apparent I didn't get it right. While I think I did ok, there is definitely some improvement to be had.
I can't remeber in the video, if Marc did some guidelines for the body. I don't remember him doing them; thus I did not do them. It definitely made it a weird kinda challenge.
yo, these are very nicely done! good job mate
What I meant was precisely what @daceronine is saying. Basically using the entire drawing surface is what I mean. Either zooming in or later resizing to fit multiple gestures into a single picture. Gestures are always best done using your shoulder or heck, your entire body if you're standing XD
Did another figure drawing assignment. I tried doing these ones a lot faster than my others. I noticed that I was spending a ton of time making sure everything was jus right. This time I just kind of tried to get it close. Initially I was thinking about doing the next assignment, BUT, I really HATE doing perspective stuff. But yeah, just a bit more progress.
20 days later