Alrighty, the next assignment is some figure drawings. When I overlayed the line work on the picture, it is pretty apparent I didn't get it right. While I think I did ok, there is definitely some improvement to be had.
I can't remeber in the video, if Marc did some guidelines for the body. I don't remember him doing them; thus I did not do them. It definitely made it a weird kinda challenge.
yo, these are very nicely done! good job mate
What I meant was precisely what @daceronine is saying. Basically using the entire drawing surface is what I mean. Either zooming in or later resizing to fit multiple gestures into a single picture. Gestures are always best done using your shoulder or heck, your entire body if you're standing XD
Did another figure drawing assignment. I tried doing these ones a lot faster than my others. I noticed that I was spending a ton of time making sure everything was jus right. This time I just kind of tried to get it close. Initially I was thinking about doing the next assignment, BUT, I really HATE doing perspective stuff. But yeah, just a bit more progress.
20 days later