Alrighty, the next assignment is some figure drawings. When I overlayed the line work on the picture, it is pretty apparent I didn't get it right. While I think I did ok, there is definitely some improvement to be had.
I can't remeber in the video, if Marc did some guidelines for the body. I don't remember him doing them; thus I did not do them. It definitely made it a weird kinda challenge.

yo, these are very nicely done! good job mate

What I meant was precisely what @daceronine is saying. Basically using the entire drawing surface is what I mean. Either zooming in or later resizing to fit multiple gestures into a single picture. Gestures are always best done using your shoulder or heck, your entire body if you're standing XD


Alrighty, went back for some gesture drawings. These are done in 40 seconds. This time I tried utilizing the whole canvas, and man, my shoulder was getting pretty sore by the end of it. :sweat_smile: Overall though, I think they turned out well. :+1:

Alrighty, went back to doing figure drawings. These are taking a lot longer than I expected them to. I'm not sure if there should be a time limit on these; although I'd probably ignore it. I have a bad habit of doing things to completion; when I'm just trying to study a specific area. :sweat_smile:

Looking good! Keep it up!

Did another figure drawing assignment. I tried doing these ones a lot faster than my others. I noticed that I was spending a ton of time making sure everything was jus right. This time I just kind of tried to get it close. Initially I was thinking about doing the next assignment, BUT, I really HATE doing perspective stuff. :sweat: But yeah, just a bit more progress.

It's all good progress. I feel you about perspective. Really important stuff, but it can get rough.

Alrighty, first perspective assignment done. I think this is what it was asking.

18 days later

noice, that looks like a really long tablet XD

20 days later

K, I finally got around to finishing the assignments on the perspective stuff! I haven't looked ahead on the assignments, but I hope that's the end of them. :sweat_smile: Perspectives has been a literal desire block of drawing. So, I'm hoping that I'll be able to more quickly progress with the other assignments.

Alrighty, first anatomy assignment! It's funny that I don't particularly enjoy these, but I can definitely see the correlation on its use.

Just another shape anatomy thing. I thought of this and thought it'd be fun. I'll probably try this with other shapes as well since it was kinda fun!

Aaand some spheres. K, guess I'll start the morphing bit. Seems a bit difficult, but hopefully it goes well.

ooh these are quite nice!! I fele like the darks should be darker and the brighter parts should be a bit brighter for that contrast tho..

They could also follow the curve a tad more imo :smile: