Okay so me trying to delete my old Art School Journey Post and redo it was actually met with valid criticism and the main one of these was "Its a diservice to everyone on this course for you to try and pretend that progress never happened" so to meet you all halfway I am going to start this new one and let the old one be where it may. So with that out the way I hope to keep this one a lot more organised and on track as opposed to my last one which was all over the place that is pretty much it.
My name is Ryan I'm 20 from England and I draw a few months ago I quit my job to do Art Full Time I think I have made significant progress to that end I mostly like hanging out on Discord talking with other Artists and sharing knowledge and long term want to get into Concept Art, however if I manage to garner any kind of substantial success freelancing I'd be happy to continue on that track.
Nice to meet you, again!
Link to the old Blog for future reference: https://forums.cubebrush.co/t/ryan-larner-ausirias-art-school-journey/9669/39