Holy shet that's a lot of practice. There is definetly improvement, much more noticeable when you compare the last one in the sheet with the first one.

Week 5

I still have issues with 2 point perspective, I need to find a way to study and practice it in a more efficient way.

With the assignment 4, I drew all the poses by imagination without any references, I feel a little progress there, but they can be way way better.

Finally, while copying the artist, I wasn't happy with the results, so I used a grid at the end to keep everything in place, but I'm not sure if that was a good way to study. If anyone has tips on how to study other artists that would be super helpful!

personally i use a grid since it helps keep things in place.. i think its a good way to study because you're still studying where everything goes within each grid which i think is helpful

I personally start copies by copying gesture, then "rebuilding" the character from observation, by using simple geometric shapes (boxes, balls, pyramids) followed by adding detail.

My goal is usually to try to understand how the character works in a "3D" mental space, and as I add the details I keep a close eye in the reference to try to match it and to appreciate the finer details like how clothes wrap, specific features and so on.

I usually end up a bit off in proportions and need to adjust (or just leave it as it is xD), but this way I get a good feeling for the character as a whole and not just how it looks in the art piece.

Still, your work looks really good. We are usually our worst critics, so I'd say keep trying different things and see what you are more comfortable with.

19 days later

Week 6
Daily primitive drawings (first exercise) from 3 Life-changing Drawing Exercises
Daily Nude Figure Drawing assignment 6 - Gesture Drawing (5min poses)
Complete Perspective 1 assignment 3

I want to make a note here...
My last post was 20 days ago, but I want to clarify that I wasn't being lazy, on the contrary I was working so so much. The room assignment took me weeks to complete and it doesn't even look that good, every time I opened this file and look at my progress it felt so unmotivating.
I feel like I wasted a lot of time, shouldn't have to take this assignment so seriously. But at least now I know how much I struggle with this type of drawings, it doesn't feel natural to me, maybe I'm doing it wrong, but it was so difficult to me that at some point I thought about quitting, and I hate that feeling. I guess I will keep practicing gesture drawing for a while, which is something that I enjoy a lot, while I watch more tutorial about environment drawings.

Sorry for the venting, I needed to get it out of my system.

To my eye it all look really good, don't beat yourself over that stuff, i'm quite sure most people struggle with that assignment aswell, i know i did... A LOT. The important thing is to keep pushing foward and not burnout. You got this!

I feel u my man, I often frustrate my art quality doesn't seems right to me while I painted ton of hour, doubting my visual memories.
Maybe comeback redraw this assignment later, in Term 6 there is a color assignment where you will comeback color the old assignment. By that time your visual memories should improve a little and take the opportunity to redraw.

btw is this line intentionally draw to difference material between the floor? For some reason I feel like the left solid balcony are floating.


No, I made that line to find the point where it touches the vertical line at the other wall, I just forgot to erase it. Thank you for the nice comments!

2 months later

My last post was on December 23 and I was a little frustrated. So I decided to take a little vacation break. But now I'm back with a lot of energy!

Week 7
"This week, have fun practicing whatever you’d like or working on personal art"

i love your art style and use of color your gesture drawings are also very nice

Week 8
Complete Perspective 1 assignment 4
"Using 2-point perspective, draw a street corner with at least 1 building"

For this assignment, I wanted to try to do some concept art. This piece is based on the idea of an universe where there's no curve lines or round objects. I know this is no building, but I had way more fun this way!

** -- -- TERM 2 -- -- **

Week 1

Complete Photoshop for Digital Prod 2 assignment A

Draw a self portrait (traditionally or digitally) using good lighting and a mirror (not a

The creature, the box and the logo makes me think you have some experience with graphic design, they look marvelous! Especially the little lion thing is very charming.

Week 2
Watch Anatomy 1 - DONE

Daily gesture drawing (2min poses)

Daily Anatomy 1 assignments 1 & 2

For this exercise I noticed that I need to practice on my line. I want to have a more clean line, so every day that I practice this I will try to focus on that as well.

Complete Photoshop for Digital Prod 2 assignment B

Study (copy) 10 character head drawings in simple perspective (facing the camera)
from professional artists/shows/games you like (lineart only)

"Artist: Seita Inoue, Art Director for the Splatoon series"

22 days later

Week 2
Daily gesture drawing (10min poses)

Daily Anatomy 1 assignments 1-3

Portrait study (from reference with good lighting, using shading)

Draw 5 character heads from imagination in simple perspective (facing the camera,
lineart only)