Hello everyone, my name is Michaela. I'm 18 years old and I'm a to-be computer science major from the United States.

Over the years, drawing has become an increasingly important part of my life to the point where I'm seriously considering a career in it. I fell into the trap of trying to study and improve my art without a goal in previous years, but during COVID-19 I feel like I've learned a lot about myself and my art. Now, I feel like I have things I want to say but a lack of knowledge to execute it. I started Art School in order to build on my skills as an artist and learn how to tell stories visually. My biggest goal (right now, at least) is becoming a comic artist or someone who can live off of their own IP.

I'll be posting homework here regularly as well as reflections on what I've learned. Thank you to everyone reading this! As a benchmark, here are some pieces I've done between 2020 and 2021:

More art is on my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milkcee12/

See you around,

There are 87 replies with an estimated read time of 16 minutes.

Welcome! These are really cool - I love your use of dramatic lighting, depth and your brushwork. I'm sure this course will be a great help as you work towards your goals!

Hey there!

Welcome aboard! You're in the right place to make some great art gains. If you have not checked it out already, I recommend you also join the Art School discord. It's very active and there is a lot more action/feedback/critique/hanging out than over here on the forums.

Your understanding of color, light, perspective and rendering is far beyond what I could do at your age. Keep working on it! Over time you'll develop shortcuts, stroke economy, and a deeper understanding of the fundamentals - Art School is a great platform to work on fundamental skills and revisit things you may have been taking for granted.

I like that you're a computer science major - I'm an aerospace engineer! I'm not here to give career advice, but I think it's a smart move to have a lucrative day job and to paint as a hobby - lets you build up a portfolio while having some financial security. One day you might just well take the plunge into full-time art, if that's the path you choose, but you'll already have a following and made contacts in the industry!

Until then, I hope to see you around, and I look forward to your homework assignments. Cheers!

welcome. I cant add to what was already said so ill keep this short. great pieces.

[Term 1] Photoshop for Digital Production 1
I'm already familiar with digital editing softwares so I skipped most of the photo manipulation-type homework. Line quality and pen control can always be practiced though!


  • I tend to offshoot my vertical lines slightly to the right.
  • Grip the stylus lightly! You don't want your carpal tunnel to act up again! :stuck_out_tongue:
  • Lock your wrist for basically everything; use your shoulder/elbow.
  • Look ahead to where you're aiming for instead of the line itself; it increases accuracy. Use a medium speed that feels natural to your hand.
  • My hand got tired towards the end of the 2nd exercise but I still pushed on—take breaks.
  • I kept zooming in unconsciously when drawing the lines. Probably an indicator that I should zoom out more in my personal work.

I'm not sure how consistent of a practice schedule I'll keep up, but here's to day 1! :smile:

[Term 1] Nude Figure Drawing
Still in a honeymoon phase with the class right now so I want to draw a lot, but it's starting to take a toll on my hand and arm. Usually, I use shapes to draw people so thinking in 3D again was a challenge. I messed up my proportions quite a bit too, but it's all good because it's fun. :smiley:

Page 1 Reflection

  • Stop zooming in!!!! Make sure the whole figure is on the screen when you're working.
  • I think ovals work better for me to indicate the major bones - just make sure to establish the tilt of the oval.
  • Clip Studio brushes are a lot more sensitive than Photoshop; makes it harder to maintain line quality but it makes for nice tapers when inking.

Page 2 Reflection

  • Wow my skeletons are off when I'm drawing from reference. It's hard to draw it without even a gesture as a base sketch.
  • Ovals are nice as ribcages if you're tracing, but they lack structure that is nice when you're measuring and using the pose as a reference. Maybe use rectangles or ovals with more measuring.
  • Hip joints might be attached to the ends of the pelvis, but there's not a very large gap between the legs. Muscles don't wrap uniformly around bones.

I like your approach to this. hope it yields good results.