Hey guys,

I kept seeing Cubebrush coming up on my feed and never really checked it out. Guess I'm a little late to this cool place!

Nonetheless, I'd like to share some of my recent work and will continue to do so. I hope you guys like this one!

"Meesha, a shaman from a tribe of the myths deep within the forests. She means all business but her summoned spirits got other plans going ... or none at all."

Well welcome to the :cb: community. Glad to have you.

Really awesome piece. really well render and has some nice lighting and colors. If I could recommend something, it would be to look at the left arm again. The arm feels like its popping out or she really dislocated her shoulder to make that pose with her arm. That is the only thing I notice. Overall good job. Look forward to seeing more work from you.

Thanks! Appreciate the feed back! I sort of noticed it after painting over the lines, it's quite exaggerated :frowning: I will see if I can get around to it without destroying too many things in the process!