Hi guys,

Here is a piece I've made for this year's Halloween.

Could you please let me know what you think about the contrast of the artwork? I'm not really sure about it.
Should there be more exposure? I always tend to make the paintings darker than they should be and I think it is not pleasant to one's eye; or better said, not "catchy".

Thank you & take care,

1 month later

It's not the exposure that's your problem. I think your range is just a bit limited. You have a lot of dark and bright areas but its lacking in the mid range, having more of a variation in value will definitely help. You can check your values by converting your image to greyscale and seeing how the the values work with each other. Make sure you have a nice range of values from dark to light.

11 days later

Hey @ishootsideways,
Thanks so much for the advice. What you've explained to me makes a lot of sense. I will definitely check this out.