So found Marc's videos in July of 2022 and got back onto art after over a devade if not drawing. Drawfee also helped get my interest back as wl, but Marc's how to vids made me wanna start again!
The Goku above was my first real attempt at drawing something when I got back at it. Was using reference as Marc keeps saying after a few days of being back. I kept following his videos and trying to implement his lessons into art. I started Digital art in September and kept working on it.
Facebook had a memory it showed me of a human Rainbow Dash I did years ago, and I wanted to try redoing it. I finished it November 13th. So about a 4 month gap between the Goku and Rainbow Dash. But I really had to brute force it, and took so much trial and error and I had to bs my way through a lot, just guessing if things would work. I can see so many things I can do better now with far more ease btw
That made me realize I really need to get more structure in my art. And I had been debating doing Marc's art course. Got it a few days later.
The 3rd picture, a fan art of Lost Pauses Lily cosplaying as Linkle(Cinos request cuz I had asked via his subreddit xD) so about 2 mo ths progress in the course!
I'm super excited to keep going! Just started Term 3, was able to get through 1 in just a few weeks,but took about 7 weeks for term 2. I'm now on 3, and I think I'll be here for a decent time, because I really want to understand d folds, and get far better at perspective before I move to 4!
If thisbis my progress, I can't wait to see what a 1 year progress looks like, bith from returning to art(july) to the start of the program(November)
Feb 5, '23
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Feb 5, '23