I loved what you did here! Especially the ruins in the middle of the lake. Nice take on the Godzilla in the back too! 🤣
If I may, only Godzilla's shadow on the left of the mountain felt a bit off. Since he is far away and the sky is cloudy, it doesn't seem like there is a light source coming from behind him to project his shadow on a mountain that seems closer to the camera/view. Does it make sense?
Other than that, amazing job! Keep up the good work.
Thanks Danilo!
Yeah I totally get what you're saying about the lighting. I experimented with a couple different things and I decided I should just go with this one for a couple of reasons. When I took away the big shadow, it made the picture seem very empty. It also took away some depth and dynamism, making Godzilla look much smaller. I feel like this one has a little bit more imposing energy.
I'll definitely take you advice into account on the next one I make. Thanks for you comment!
Nude Figure Drawing
My first practice for figure drawing. I have a lot of experience with figure drawing so I probably won't spend too much time on this phase.
I learned a much less technical version of figure drawing in school, so I think it is good to learn and try this way that feels much more technical. I think it will be an important step to learning more draftsman type skills.
Photoshop for Digital Production 1 - Assignment 4
This assignment was pretty fun. I tried to make the first and third parts a little bit more challenging.
For part one I decided to try and make the apples green instead of red. I think it turned out pretty well for such an extreme color shift.
For part three, I made the alien look like the woman and the woman look like the alien. It was pretty fun! I'm very entertained with the results.
Now that I finished the assignments for PS1, I think I'll keep making photo collages to practice the skills I learned.
Nude Figure Drawing - Proportion Grid
Finally got around to doing this assignment. It was pretty good practice for line and symmetry. I did several versions by hand and for the sake of my perfectionism, made a couple in symmetry mode.
I'll probably do this practice a couple more times like the other, but I think maybe my skills are a little bit above this course.