Her expression is priceless, haha. Nice one :joy:

Day 27: Coat
The Bunny of the Ombawaybop Tree. For today's Inktober I thought I'd use my wonderful Reckless Deck prompt cards! I picked a Victorian Frock Coat card and randomly picked the other 3 cards (wand, forest animal attributes and tribal jewellery). I love my Reckless Deck and I can't recommend them enough to all my fellow artists. Please enjoy!!

Day 31: Ripe
Oh my goodness! Phew! Happy Halloween everyone, INKTOBER IS FINISHED! It wasn't easy!
I am so relieved to finally be finished and I am rather proud of myself for being able to create one drawing each day for a full month. It was difficult to find the time and motivation after work, since I draw for work and draw for leisure. Haha.
I know a lot of artists create several drawings in one day and post them later, but I didn't want to do that. I would have considered it cheating and it defeats the purpose of Inktober. So it was a very rewarding challenge but not one I plan on ever taking again! I hope you've enjoyed my daily drawings and I hope you have an amazing day! Onwards to November!

10 days later

There's a few ways of playing! You can check out everything on their website, here: https://recklessdeck.com/
But basically, there are a few "categories" to choose from, and you can draw one card from each. The cards you choose will tell you what to draw! (For example: One card says to draw A Victorian Frock Coat, and another says to draw a Staff or Wand.) I like to choose three or four and combine everything into one drawing! Makes for a more interesting piece!
Great for art block, lack of inspiration or you just want something random to draw.

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